Difference between applehead and deer head chihuahua

Difference between applehead and deer head chihuahua

If you are considering purchasing a chihuahua, you may be wondering about the differences between an applehead and a deer head. The two varieties are similar in appearance and temperament. However, there are some key differences. Learn about some of their health concerns, personalities, and temperaments. The following comparison chart can help you make an informed decision. The applehead is more compact and may be more difficult to train than the deer head.

Similar temperaments

Deer head Chihuahuas have long ears and a muzzle that resembles a young deer. They are most often fawn in color but are sometimes black. They also have an erect tail, but they differ from one another in other ways, such as their temperament. The two varieties have similar health concerns, though.

Deer head Chihuahuas weigh more than their apple head cousins. They stand at about a foot tall and can weigh between seven and 10 pounds. Their length, legs, and ears make them easier to carry and move around. Both deer and applehead Chihuahuas are highly intelligent and playful. Applehead Chihuahuas are excellent family dogs, but deer heads are generally smaller than their apple counterparts.

Despite their similar temperaments, one major difference between these two breeds is their size. The deer head is generally smaller and stout, while the applehead is more laid back. Despite their size, neither breed is particularly friendly with strangers. It is important to note that both have aggressive tendencies. They also tend to bark excessively, and should be confined to a secure area.

As with other Chihuahuas, the deer head tries to be independent. They do not respond well to rigid training and are difficult to housebreak initially. Despite this, their personalities make them a great choice for a family with children. A deer head chihuahua is an excellent choice for teenagers.

Similar health issues

The applehead and deer head chihauhua share similar physical and health issues. Both breeds are prone to eye problems, luxating patellas, and mitral valve disease. A reputable breeder will test all breeding specimens to ensure their quality and avoid potential health problems later on. Be sure to find a reputable breeder who can provide health records.

The Deer Head Chihuahua is a smaller dog compared to the Apple Head. Deer head Chihuahuas have longer legs and longer necks than the other varieties. They weigh between seven and 10 pounds and are about eight to 12 inches tall. The Applehead has a deer-like appearance and larger ears, but is not considered a purebred.

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Despite their size, Deer Head Chihuahuas shed all year round. The spring shedding is the most intense. Regular bathing is important for controlling this shedding. They are extremely sensitive to cold weather. Prolonged exposure to low temperatures can cause hypothermia. Short-haired Deer Head Chihuahuas will need assistance keeping warm.

Both breeds are predisposed to neurological diseases. In particular, apple head Chis are prone to congenital hydrocephalus, atlantoaxial instability, and ceroid lipofuscinosis. In the case of deer head Chis, the moleras will close over time and may become smaller as they grow older. These characteristics make them vulnerable to head injuries.

Similar personalities

There are many similarities between the deer head and the applehead Chihuahua. Although the two have different types of hair, they are both obedient, sociable, and energetic. While they are considered different breeds, they share many of the same traits, such as personality. Read on to discover the differences between the two varieties. Here are a few facts to help you choose between the two.

Deer head and applehead Chihuahuas have similar personalities, and the two types are sometimes found in litters with two deer heads. Both have a soft spot in their skulls at birth, called a molera. These two breeds are both great companions. However, there are some significant differences between these two breeds. If you’re looking for a companion or a dog for conformation shows, you should look for a long-haired Chihuahua.

While both breeds are very playful and love attention, they’re also highly intelligent. The deer head breed loves to please its family members, so training should begin when they’re young. If you’re looking for a companion for a family with teenagers, consider getting a deer head Chihuahua. They’ll need a warm bed, and plenty of sun exposure.

equally interesting:

If you are considering purchasing a chihuahua, you may be wondering about the differences between an applehead and a deer head. The two varieties are similar in appearance and temperament. However, there are some key differences. Learn about some of their health concerns, personalities, and temperaments. The following comparison chart can help you make an…

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