Can i breed poodle with ear infectiond

Can i breed poodle with ear infectiond?

Poodles can be susceptible to ear infections. While a dog may not show obvious symptoms, this condition can have negative consequences, such as a loss of hearing or balance. A vet may perform allergy or blood tests to determine the root cause of the condition. In addition to checking your pup for symptoms, a vet will diagnose the type of infection. Ear infections are often caused by a yeast or bacterial infection, but there may also be multiple factors involved. If you notice a dog with ear infection, take him or her to a vet to determine the type of infection. A vet can prescribe the right treatment for your pup.


A veterinarian can perform an ear flush on your poodle to remove excess wax, debris, and discharge. The procedure involves inserting a flexible catheter into the ear canal. The veterinarian will then squirt a solution into the ear to flush out any accumulated wax, debris, or discharge. The procedure may require anesthetic. Treatment for ear infections in poodles can be difficult or expensive.

Upon diagnosis, your veterinarian will take your dog’s medical history, examine your dog’s appearance, and conduct a physical examination. Ear infections can be treated by using a variety of topical and oral treatments, and the veterinarian may suggest a surgical procedure if the condition continues or worsens. If the infection is severe, however, the veterinarian may recommend a surgical procedure to open the ear canal and remove the diseased tissue.


Early treatment is the key to avoiding a dog ear infection. While most dogs will recover within a few days, there are certain precautions you should take to prevent ear infections in poodles. If left untreated, the infection may become more severe. An untreated ear infection in a dog can cause facial paralysis, problems with balance and coordination, and intense pain. The first step in preventing a dog ear infection is to clean the ears of your dog. This is a good first step, but if left untreated, you may have to visit your vet.

Poodles need to have their ears cleaned every two to four weeks. While this can reduce the likelihood of an ear infection, it isn’t sufficient to keep the ear flap clean. Poodle ears have a long flap that holds moisture and creates an ideal environment for bacteria and wax to grow. The result is a high risk of recurring ear infections. Taking your poodle to the veterinarian for treatment can help prevent recurring episodes of infection.


The first step to treating an ear infection in your poodle is to visit your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis. Your veterinarian will examine the ear canal with a microscope to determine the exact cause of the infection. Treatment includes antibiotics, antifungals, antimite medication, and possibly surgery. Home remedies are often unsuccessful and painful. The best way to treat an ear infection in your poodle is to consult with a veterinarian who can recommend a treatment plan that will work for your dog.

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If you’re unsure whether your poodle has an ear infection, pay special attention to the appearance of the discharge. It will likely be black or yellow in color. Your pet will likely scratch his ears to relieve the discomfort. The ears may also become red and develop an unpleasant odor. The discharge from the ears is often a yellow or black color, and if the condition persists, the ear canal may become narrowed or crusty.

Home remedies

Many home remedies for ear infection in poodles include applying oil of mullein and garlic to the afflicted area. These two natural remedies work well together to relieve inflammation, relieve pain, and fight off viruses and bacteria. You can also try using apple cider vinegar to reduce swelling and pain. Simply dilute it with spring or filtered water and apply to the affected area. Massage the mixture into the affected ear.

You can purchase ear-infection-remedies for poodles at health-food stores or in the organic section of a large supermarket. It’s important to treat ear infections as soon as possible, however, as they can worsen and even cause the eardrum to rupture. Likewise, if left untreated, the infection could spread into the middle or inner ear and cause severe damage.

Preventing ear infections in poodles

Poodles are notorious for developing ear infections. One cause of these infections is the overgrown hair on the dog’s ears. They also lack proper airflow in their ears, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. This article will discuss ways to prevent ear infections in poodles. In addition to removing excess hair, you should clean the ears regularly. It will help prevent the growth of bacteria and yeast.

If the infection is mild or moderate, topical medications with antibiotic and antifungal properties can be used. However, if the infection is severe or long-term, oral medication or an injection may be necessary. A combination of corticosteroids and antibacterial drugs can help treat ear infections and reduce their odor. Using an antibacterial shampoo or grooming powder to wash your poodle’s ears may also irritate the inflamed ear canal.

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Poodles can be susceptible to ear infections. While a dog may not show obvious symptoms, this condition can have negative consequences, such as a loss of hearing or balance. A vet may perform allergy or blood tests to determine the root cause of the condition. In addition to checking your pup for symptoms, a vet…

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